Addressing Learning Poverty and Expanding Education in Chad

Chad is committed to enhancing primary, secondary and tertiary education. However, 44.8% of its 20 million citizens live in poverty and 94% experience learning poverty. According to the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, learning poverty—the inability to read age-appropriate text by age 10—contributes to low educational attainment. This widespread issue hinders individual progress, exacerbates the country’s Read more…

Poverty in the Bible: The Definition of Poverty

Many view poverty only in terms of money. In the most common definition of poverty, the poor are those who simply do not have enough income. But what does poverty mean in the Bible? Poverty in the Bible: Exploring the Scriptures There are 178 uses of the word “poor” in Scripture. So what does poor Read more…

Coronavirus crisis: what are the next steps for children in the UK?

In the early days of the coronavirus crisis, Save the Children raised concerns that the pandemic would be felt most acutely by families living in poverty in the UK. It was clear, even in March, that children would be hit hard – not just by the significant health risks of the virus, but by having Read more…

Lessons from civil society resilience as we face COVID-19

“Adapt, Improvise, Overcome – the human spirit will always survive” These are the words of advice a colleague who worked in Ebola affected areas sent to me at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. I expected something much more technical and practical. He is right of course. At a certain point, it’s the spirit and Read more…

Covid-19 could push 30 million African children into poverty

Covid-19 is putting a strain on societies and economies around the world, and the poor who are carrying the burden of the disease, both in high-income countries as well as in developing contexts. Today, the World Bank has published its first assessment of the economic impact of Covid-19 in Sub-Saharan Africa, showing the devastating effects Read more…

Protecting children in poverty during the coronavirus crisis

We are all struggling to get our heads around the crisis that is unfolding. What we do know is that families in poverty will be feeling the economic effects most acutely. We must not forget the children who will bear the brunt of their parents being left without work, or whose worlds have been turned Read more…

The PM has done right by British business, but what about struggling families?

With schools and nurseries closing and people facing lay-offs and cuts in pay, hard-up Brits need more help to get their families through the corona crisis. Even before coronavirus, four million children lived in poverty. Plenty of readers know the headaches of juggling growing bills and shrinking pay. Boris Johnson has rightly stepped in to Read more…