The Gender Wage Gap in Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso is a landlocked West African country, bordered by Mali, the Ivory Coast, Ghana, Niger, Togo and Benin. Despite some improvements made in women’s rights in the past, the gender wage gap in Burkina Faso remains a significant issue. A 2024 report by the World Bank group has found that an 82% gap in Read more…

The Parish Development Model: Uganda’s Solution to Poverty

The Parish Development Model (PDM) is a strategy introduced by the Ugandan government in 2022 to promote wealth creation and improve service delivery at the household level. The PDM focuses on communities at the parish level, the smallest administrative unit of the government and the one closest to communities. This proximity ensures that goods, services Read more…

Neglected Tropical Diseases: Malaria in Cameroon

As the 53rd largest country in the world, Cameroon’s 183,000 miles of land mass supports a wide range of landscapes and microclimates. While some regions are extremely hot and dry, others are moist and humid due in part to multiple forests populating the areas. In fact, Cameroon’s Cross-Sanaga Bioko Coastal forests are considered one of Read more…

Tech Herfrica Bridging Digital Divide Empowering Women in Africa

Empowering women in Africa through digital and financial inclusion is at the heart of Tech Herfrica’s mission. Founded in 2023 by Nigerian public policy advisor Imade Bibowei-Osuobeni, this social impact organization provides digital literacy training, internet-enabled devices and access to e-commerce platforms. Programs such as EquipHer4Growth and HerLocal Market have helped more than 4,000 women Read more…

Addressing Learning Poverty and Expanding Education in Chad

Chad is committed to enhancing primary, secondary and tertiary education. However, 44.8% of its 20 million citizens live in poverty and 94% experience learning poverty. According to the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, learning poverty—the inability to read age-appropriate text by age 10—contributes to low educational attainment. This widespread issue hinders individual progress, exacerbates the country’s Read more…